Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Top 10 Signs You are in Bad Audit Department

10) On your first day you are issued a bayonet.
 9) The Red Book they use was written by Mao Tse Tung.
 8) Auditors wander around saying "Charter?! We don't need no stinking charter!"
 7) For electronic workpapers, they use a 12-column spreadsheet attached to an extension cord.
 6) Risk assessments done with Dungeons & Dragons dice.
 5) The door to the department locks from the outside.
 4) The CAE reports to the CFO's secretary.
 3) They think GRC is a kind of vitamin supplement.
 2) There's a bat in the back corner labeled "Follow-up".

And the number one way to tell you are in a bad audit department:

1)  All reports begin "If it pleases the court..."